Sunday, January 10, 2016

Review: Essential Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 10

Essential Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 10 Essential Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 10 by J.M. DeMatteis
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Meh. That's honestly the best descriptor I have. Just, meh. So many one-shot villains, such dull characters and dialogue, even sub-standard art for the most part.

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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Review: ワンピース [Wan Pīsu] 79

ワンピース [Wan Pīsu] 79 ワンピース [Wan Pīsu] 79 by Eiichiro Oda
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was getting so sick of the lack of progress being made with Dressrosa in the anime, and to be fair, I can't comment on the manga side, that I said "f*ck it" and finally started reading the manga, which some day in thefuture I plan on slowly reading through from the beginning. Anyway, I read a few chapters, and BAM! It's finally done with. Doffy is an excellent villain, but nothing could go as long as his story did without me getting sick of it. The art is pretty good with a few stunning panels, the was so many characters from the entire arc got together was well done and fun to see, and it was nice to see people actually praising the Straw Hats. Also, the big introduction in the last chapter is pretty amusing while also setting up a very intimidating antagonist. My biggest issues are that I thought Gear 4 looked stupid, though was otherwise interesting, the 1 minute thing felt way too much like a standard Shounen trope, and the way Oda does the speech bubbles makes it really difficult to tell who's talking quite frequently.

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Friday, January 1, 2016

Review: Green Lantern: Rebirth

Green Lantern: Rebirth Green Lantern: Rebirth by Geoff Johns
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was never a fan of the late 90's-mid 2000's super dark art of the time at DC. Otherwise this was an awesome part. I always found the Spectre and Parallax things to be convoluted, but those gripes aside, there was great coloring where that was present, awesome character moments, and a solid story. Easy enough to pick up as your first GL book, but dipped in enough lore for long=time fans, and got me hyped for the rest of the run.

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